“How did I get myself in this situation?” wondered Michael Bay. AT 47 years of age he seemed to have it all. He had a loving wife. He had a very successful career as a film director. He was one of the biggest names in Hollywood. Yet Michael Bay had a big problem.
“The bitch is blackmailing me” he explained to the mysterious office worker who called himself Smith.
It was not the first infidelity Bay was guilty of. Young starlets who want to make a good impression on film makers are nothing new to the Hollywood scene. Bay was not the first director to have slept with a young actress, nor would he be the last. And a beauty like Megan Fox did not come around every day.
But this bitch was smart. She made a little film of her own, videotaping Bay coming on to her and then having sex with her. Now she held the tape as collateral, threatening to release it to his family and the rest of the world if Bay did not give in to her demands.
Over the years the price of her silence became bigger and bigger. The bigger it got, the harder it became to hide this expense from his family. At the rate it was going, his wife would find out about the affair without Megan saying a word.
“Well, Mr. Bay, we are more than willing to help. Our service is not cheap, but results are guaranteed. Our mutual friend, Mr. Pattison, will testify to that.

Continue reading Celebrity Trainers: Megan Fox