He fucked her harder

“It was that kind of day,” he thought. A Southern August summer day,
hot and sticky. Walking outside was like trying to walk against a river
current. The very air resisted you. He grabbed a black handkerchief out
of his back left pocket, and wiped his brow. He fingered the necklace
he wore, and the single key on it. Damn it was hot today.

Still, he had to do what he was doing. His eyes scanned the horizon, and
the daily thunderheads were building up, threatening a powerful storm.
His cock stirred as he thought about the power of the storm, and where
he was going. Continue reading He fucked her harder

“The Artist” by Chiaroscuro

It is her turn in the pink upholstered chair.

Her body, rigid a moment ago at the peak of her passion, has passed
into a state of apparent bonelessness. She is sighing vocally but
weakly. She makes no move to lower the skirt wrapped around her hips.
Her legs are still spread wide by the bulk of his form, but her knees
sag inward and her hands hang open, limp, at the sides of the chair.
As a shudder rocks her one last time, he sits back on his heels,
licking his lips and smiling.black Continue reading “The Artist” by Chiaroscuro

Hypno Diane

I sat there, looking at Diane. To say that I was stunned would be an
understatement. “I *thought* this would be a bad idea,” she said.

I didn’t answer. I still sat there, my mind in a whirl. The things
Richard had said! I still couldn’t believe this had happened. I’d
*trusted* him… I’d opened myself up to him! It was like a
nightmare–it *was* a nightmare. “I *knew* it was a bad idea, from the
beginning,” said Diane. I realized she was standing over me, looking
down at me as I sat. She looked worried. I still didn’t speak. I
thought again about Richard.
Continue reading Hypno Diane

Brooke Blackmailed – The Setup

Nineteen year old Brooke had a little wild in her. Now that she was
attending college, she was expressing herself and taking advantage to
let that wild out. Her smooth, silky skin was the color of coffee with
a little cream. She wore her hair long and loose, with a little bit of
wave to it, an effect that took some maintenance, but was well worth
it for the end results. Her face was soft yet proud, with prominant
cheekbones, giving her a classic and timeless beauty reminiscent of
the old black and white movie star Lana Turner, though she would
probably have preferred to be compared to pop star Rihanna rather than
a white woman long dead. Continue reading Brooke Blackmailed – The Setup

Boys meet a bbw in the pool. She might actuallyfind things more exciting than they do

The day after Bobby and I discussed all the things we wished we had done with the girl in the pool the previous summer, we went to the public pool.
Since it was near the beginning of the summer; the weather wasn’t all that hot and the water in the pool was still fairly cold: needless to say, there weren’t all that many people at the pool. I think I counted all of three girls who were younger than us; and they seemed to be sisters who were never more than a few feet away from each other.
horny bbw Continue reading Boys meet a bbw in the pool. She might actuallyfind things more
exciting than they do

No man would ever replace Annie for Selene, Selene for Annie

Selene reclined on her bed thinking about the 14-inch cock that she planned to
wrap her tongue around later that night. She anticipated the excitement of
sucking his enormously thick penis and savored the thought of his foot-long
plus two inch hot dog sliding down her extended throat.

And then her mind flashed back to the first day she learned about her little

Her thoughts returned to August 10, 2023, the evening when she’d attended a
birthday party in Santa Monica for her best friend, Annie. Selene was seventeen
years old. Annie was about to turn eighteen. Lesbian Teen2
Continue reading No man would ever replace Annie for Selene, Selene for Annie