Barbara Trent was twiddling the controls of the X-box when the freshman showed up. The older teen glanced out of the corner of her eye but played on distractedly. She’d had an opportunity to inspect the freshman when she’d opened the door and admitted the Williams family to the lobby and a briefer one when she delivered the new girl’s luggage to her room. She also knew that one way or another miz Millie had just stripped her naked for pre enrolment inspection. Barbie was a senior and there was very little about the goings on of the Academy that she didn’t know. In her wildest dreams she even pictured herself coming back to join the staff, though that would be, of necessity, at least fifteen years in her future. With her attention more on the dark skinned teen than the brightly lit screen her game character was dead in no time. Chantel had taken a seat in a comfy tub chair opposite the couch where the senior focused her attention, well some of it, on the fifty two inch plasma screen mounted on the wall. Barbie was sitting on the very edge of the sofa and twisted to the side slightly to get square to the TV. When the game over sign came up the freshman apologized “I’m sorry if I distracted you and made you get killed.”
“Nah,” Barbie assured her “it wouldn’t have mattered I suck at these games.” She said and put the controller on the coffee table.
“I’m not very good either” the thirteen year old confided. “As a matter of fact I don’t even like playing very much.”
“Me neither” the older girl agreed “that’s part of the reason I’m no good at it but there isn’t much to do around here before the other girl’s arrive.”
“Why are you here?” the black girl asked, then considering her station “if you don’t mind me asking.”
“I’ll be the senior prefect this year and miz Millie asked me to be here a few days early for orientation. I was the junior prefect last year so I pretty much know what’s expected, but my parents could only drive me up on the weekend, so here I am.” While the pony tailed blonde explained Chantel was again taken by how much she resembled her famous plastic namesake. Her cute delicate features, golden hair and large blue eyes were a good start, but the prominent bust and an otherwise remarkably slender figure really solidified the resemblance. The fact that Barbie was also tall did nothing to detract from the similarity.
Miz Trent was taking a closer look at the new girl too. She was trying to envision what an African American pussy looked like; she’d never seen one. As a matter of fact the senior was dying to see the whole package. She wondered how Chantel had done with miz Millie. She’d heard of about every reaction possible to the introductory strip. Some girls modeled, some were scared out of their wits, some even cried, but the process was the process. Barbie knew how everything was supposed to work, she didn’t always know why. Sitting diagonally across from and appraising the younger girl’s figure the prefect was starting to feel that hunger, the one that had really begun early in her first year at Marcott. It was a powerful urge to eat every pussy that she came in contact with. Knowing the rules forward and backward had its disadvantages. Newbies were strictly off limits. No messing around with the freshman was permitted until near the end of the year. It was one of her duties to ensure the seniors abided by that, among other rules. Of course it was a given that she lead by example, but there was nothing in the rules that forbade teasing and determining the level of interest of the first year students. It was with this subversive thought in mind that she twisted sideways on the couch, facing away from the flat screen and toward her fellow student. Barbie put her feet up on the couch and began to rock her knees open and closed as they talked.
The girls were exchanging the usual introductory stuff, where are you from, what do you like to do etcetera. The dark skinned girl was finding it harder and harder to concentrate as her new friend’s pink lipped pussy kept coming into view. Chantel hadn’t realized it up until now but she was as fascinated by the prospect of seeing a white pussy. The tingly feeling between her legs was back and she knew that her pillow was in for another serious humping before the day was out. The senior’s lack of underpants didn’t shock her she’d done it often enough herself. What did come as a surprise was the absence of pubic hair. The black teen was certainly aware that some women shaved down there but she associated it with porn stars and lingerie models. It never occurred to her that a girl her age, well slightly older, might do it.
Barbie was satisfied with the reaction she got. She saw her classmate’s expression change and the direction of the dark skinned girl’s gaze was unmistakable. The moving of her legs back and forth was providing enough stimulation to get the older girl’s juices flowing. ‘I wonder what she would do if I just reached down and started fingering myself’ she wondered, but at the same time she knew it was too dangerous. She did know that as soon as the black girl was declared legal she was gonna have a go.
“Have they told you when your medical is yet?” the teasing blonde on the couch asked. Chantel’s heart skipped a beat
“Medical?” she echoed
“Yeah they do a thorough physical examination on all freshmen before classes start. They check everything believe me” Barbie said feeling her pussy twitch recalling her own entry examination.
“No… Nobody told me anything” the thirteen year old said nervously. Seeing that she’d upset her new friend the older girl said
“It’s not so bad, a lot of girls wind up enjoying it” Chantel was wondering what the sparkle in the blonde’s eye meant when miz Brown interrupted them.
“I see you two found each other” she commented. Barbie immediately adjusted her position to stop showing off her girlhood but it was too late. The Head Mistress shot her a knowing glance. “Dinner at the regular time in the staff dining room ladies” she announced and proceeded down the stairs to the first floor.
“You’re in for a rare treat Chantel” the senior girl said watching the matron disappear “this’ll probably be the only time you get to see much less eat in the staff room.” Barbie picked up the game controller again and said “Wanna see who’s worse?”
The girls spent the rest of the afternoon giggling at their own ineptitude in manipulating the electronic images. Chantel was delighted to have been able to get chummy with the senior prefect. At one point the dark skinned gamer had snatched victory from the jaws of defeat and her older opponent had given her a firm shove, knocking the smaller younger girl flat on her back on the sofa. The freshman squealed out her surprise but quickly realized that the violent action caused her short plaid skirt to flip up on to her tummy, exposing the tight cotton crotch of her panties. The younger girl was fascinated by her playmate’s reaction. The doll like blonde froze and stared at the white triangle between the smooth brown thighs. The look on her face was unlike anything she’d seen before; it was pure unvarnished lust. Chantel got that special feeling again, the one she was not yet able to define, but that was very exciting. It was just like when miz Millie had been taking her underpants off before her shower. She wanted to show her friend more. ‘I bet she wants to see my coochie bare’ the thirteen year old decided. ‘I could just pull the crotch over and show her. I think that’s what she wants,’ the thought made her dizzy. ‘I bet I could make her do stuff if I promised to show her like… like… beg.’
It seemed like a long time that she was laying there with her panties on display but it was actually only a few seconds. Barbie was using every ounce of self control not to dive on the youngster’s cotton covered treasure and drink her fill from its fountain of delightful juice. ‘Fuckin’ rules!’ she cursed in her mind. She might have been willing to risk it were it not for their solitary situation. Miz Trent was only too well aware that there were at least three cameras trained on them at that very moment. With no other activity going on, if Doctor Marcott was watching anything, she was watching them. The penalty would certainly be loss of her prefect role and humiliation in front of her senior classmates when they arrived next week. Still it was almost too tempting to pass up. The blonde took some pride in her self discipline and turned away from the tantalizing spectacle. Chantel was of course not aware
of the rule and was confused by her playmate’s sudden shift of focus. Maybe she’d misunderstood the look. In any case she righted herself on the couch and the pair started a new game.
At a quarter to seven Barbie put her game controller down and said “time to wash up for dinner.” The second floor washroom was a duplicate of the one on the third floor that the dark skinned girl had been taken to by miz Millie. The colors were different but the lay out was identical. Ten minutes later the teenagers entered the main dining room. Chantel was aghast at the size. Nine round tables with six place settings each were loosely spaced in the high ceilinged room. The white table linens and the sparkling silverware made it look like the most elegant restaurant she could envision. “This is where we usually eat” her guide commented as they passed between the tables toward the back wall. The senior opened a door at the rear of the dining hall providing the pair access to a much smaller room. This one had an elliptical table with seating for eight. There were only three places set with similar looking linens and cutlery. One place was set at the head of the table. There were places set to the left and right on opposite sides.
“This’ll be your seat” the prefect indicated the chair on the left side of the trio. Chantel pulled the chair out and started to sit. “No… No not yet!” the older girl exclaimed and Chantel was surprised by the panic she heard in Barbie Trent’s voice. The older girl went around the table and stood behind her chair at the right hand of the head. The pretty blonde seemed to be standing almost at attention. Chantel mimicked her posture as best she could behind her own chair. The longer they stood there the stranger it felt to the black girl who really didn’t know this kind of formality even existed until Roberta had come into her life. Minutes passed in silence.
Mildred Brown entered from a different door than the one the teenagers had used. “Good evening ladies” she greeted and took her place at the head of the table. The little black girl looked from the Head Mistress to her fellow student and back. Miz Millie seemed to be examining the place settings while the older girl stared pretty much blankly into space. At long last the Academy’s Administrator said “you may be seated.” Each of the girls took their places and miz Brown rang a tiny silver bell that sat opposite the water glass of her place setting. Within seconds an attractive young woman who appeared to be in her early to mid twenty’s entered the room from yet a third door. The server wore the classic black dress and white apron and was carrying three salads. Chantel was amazed. She didn’t think this kind of thing actually existed outside very old movies.
The server placed the leafy salads in front of each of the seated women and stepped back. ‘Did she just courtesy?’ the dark skinned diner pondered as she picked up her fork. Glancing at the senior student across the table she was greeted with a panicked expression and a firmly shaking head. The adamant negative made the younger girl put down her fork and look toward the matron. She was starting to get the message. Miz Brown was now studying the plate of greens that had been set before her. Apparently satisfied the Head Mistress picked up her second smallest fork and stabbed several of the oil coated leaves. Chantel saw her fellow student still waiting. The administrator started chewing the mouthful of salad and nodded her head. Simultaneously Barbie picked up her fork and the server retreated back through the door from which she had entered.
“Did you have a pleasant afternoon getting to know one another?” the administrator asked after washing down her first bite. The blonde girl finished chewing and took a sip from her own water glass before affirming that they had. Chantel had come to the conclusion that she should speak only when spoken to, and so continued to with her appetizer. She was going to have some adjusting to do she realized. The three women finished their salads in silence. Chantel was hungry and finished first. She set her salad fork on the plate and looked across the table again. Barbie seemed to be pacing herself. The black girl was dumbfounded again when the senior prefect raised the final forkful of her appetizer at exactly the same time as the matron. ‘This is crazy’ the thirteen year old concluded. Matron Brown tinkled the silver bell again and the dark haired twenty-something appeared as if by magic. The salad plates along with their dedicated forks were removed back through the service door. The woman in the classic maid’s costume reappeared so quickly carrying the three dinner plates that the younger teen though there must be two of her. ‘How could she have had time to put the salad plates down and pick up the entrées in that short a time?’
The first steaming plate was placed in front of miz Millie. A grilled chicken breast in gravy like sauce, topped with interlaced French cut green beans, sat beside a scoop of white rice capped with a sprig of parsley. To complete the meal a pile of baby carrots sprinkled with fresh dill made for a very appetizing presentation. They dined in silence and the freshman paced herself admirably in spite of how delicious everything was. She only had to stop completely and wait at the very end to accomplish the apparently expected task of finishing simultaneously with the matron.
A third and final tinkling of the bell brought the server back this time with a snifter of cognac in her hand. She set the fine brandy in front of the Head Mistress and cleared the table with amazing speed. Chantel took her cue from the senior across the table and sat back with her hands quietly folded in her lap. Miz Millie swirled the amber liquid and inhaled the nutty bouquet before taking a small sip.
“We will observe standard lights out at ten tonight” the matron informed the girls. “Barbie you’ll show Chantel around a little tonight so she can begin to feel at home. I’ll have your dessert delivered up to the second floor common room in about an hour.” The moment she stopped speaking miz Trent pushed further away from the table and rose to her feet. The freshman copied her actions. “Sleep well ladies. Miz Williams you have a big day tomorrow, Doctor Beal will be here to do your physical.” The administrator took another sip of her cognac signaling that she was done speaking.
“Good night, Miz Millie” the senior girl offered as she started toward the door. Chantel echoed the sentiment and followed her leader.
“You did really well in there little one” the older taller girl said when they reached the main hallway. “Some girls don’t seem to get it for a while. You’re obviously a bright little thing.” the blonde put her arm around the shorter black girl’s shoulder and gave her a sidelong squeeze. Chantel felt the well developed breast squish against her upper arm and was surprised that she suddenly had a strong desire not only to see them but to touch them. They certainly weren’t as big as Roberta’s, but on the prefect’s slender frame they were most definitely impressive.
For the next hour Barbie took the freshman on a tour of the Academy, weaving in and out of classrooms and labs until the younger girl was thoroughly lost. Noting the time miz Trent informed her charge that they should head up to the common room for their dessert. The girls enjoyed their pie and a thermos of hot chocolate that was waiting for them. By the time they finished it was nearly nine o’clock. “I’m gonna go to my room and read for an hour before lights out” the senior girl announced as she rose from the couch.
“Can I… uh… come with you?” the black girl asked. Chantel saw the look of puzzlement on Barbie’s face and added “I just… I feel kinda lonely…”
“This is the first time you’ve ever been away from your folks isn’t it?” the younger girl nodded blushing. “Sure you can hang out in my room until bedtime” the prefect agreed before taking into account how much pressure she was putting on her will power.
They were already on the floor with the rooms of the junior and senior girls so Barbie led her little brown friend down to the end of the hall where her room was located. Chantel was surprised at how much larger the room was than hers. She guessed it was twice as big and it had its own little three piece washroom. Seeing the freshman’s reaction she said “senior dorm rooms are a little nicer than yours huh?” Chantel nodded as she continued to survey the terrain. “This one is bigger than the others. That’s about the only real compensation I get for my prefect responsibilities” Barbie continued. When the younger girl’s eyes returned to her host she had to stifle a squeal. The older girl was shedding her blouse. Reaching behind her back to pull the cuffs over her hands caused her hooters to thrust out against the thin cotton of the simple everyday bra. She may have been able to prevent the sound from escaping but there was nothing she could do to disguise her wide eyed expression.
‘So you’re interested in tits are you little one?’ her host was thinking as she took longer than necessary to pull her hands free from the sleeves of the white oxford style blouse. Chantel
felt some kind of a surge between her legs. It was that feeling that made her wish she hadn’t left mister Muggs behind. Barbie tossed the shirt into the canvas hamper that sat on a frame in the corner of the room. “You gotta be sure to only put your stuff in your own laundry bin” the senior cautioned “that’s how they keep things separated. Every Friday morning you take the full one down to the service room I showed you and Anna will give you another one for the next week.”
Barbie was unhooking her bra. The younger girl was holding her breath. The twin mounds of pubescent perfection that came into view when the senior shrugged the underwear off made Chantel’s head spin. The cotton cups were just a cover, no support was needed. The rounded cones were amazingly white with a large rose petal colored areola capping each of them. They stood out from her host’s chest literally defying gravity. Barbie posed momentarily before tossing her bra into the canvass sack. The cute little jiggle of the older girl’s magnificent breasts during the throwing motion made the black girl’s pussy twitch.
“Oh fuck it feels good to be free” the blonde announced and began squeezing and massaging her tempting melons. The older girl never took her eyes off the freshman’s face. Chantel watched the older girl’s small fingers digging into the pliable flesh and she wished they were her hands. Her own little cones were tingling and she felt a sympathetic twinge in her nipples when the older girl captured the rose petal crowns between her fingers and the heel of her hand and tugged them firmly outward. Barbie was starting to feel the heat building in her crotch. She would have loved to dwell on her nipples but it was dangerous. She took a furtive glance at the wall sconce and decided to spin her plaid skirt around until the hook, button and zipper were at the front. Swiftly unfastening the waist band she was stepping out of it only seconds later. She laid the tartan on top of the blazer over the back of the chair. Chantel already knew there were no panties under the skirt so she wasn’t surprised when the hairless mons came immediately into view. Checking the younger girl’s reaction Barbie had to smile.
Chantel felt a series of bumps on her mons, or was it inside she wasn’t sure, it felt like it was thumping in time with her heart beat which was quite rapid at that moment. She didn’t realize that her mouth was open, only that she was not getting full value out of each breath. When the blonde’s bald vulva came into view the black girl was slightly disappointed. She’d hoped to verify her older classmate’s true hair color but there was not a single strand to be found around her pouting sex.
Barbie plopped herself on her bed, sitting with her back to the headboard her tits jiggled wildly as she plumped up the pillows behind her. The younger girl felt her knees go weak as the senior sat cross legged opening the petals of her cunt to reveal the shocking inner pinkness. A warm wave rushed up her body and the clothed young woman found that though she was trying not to stare her eyes were riveted to the beautiful sight.
‘I’ve never seen a white pussy before’ Chantel was thinking. ‘I’ve never seen any except my own.’ She wanted to throw herself face down on the bed and crawl right up to the delicate flower of her friend’s girlhood… and do what; she didn’t know. Her own pussy was twitching more violently now and she wanted to grab it and squeeze it but she just stood there admiring the stunning white body. “Aren’t you gonna put your… um… night gown on?”
“This is my night gown” the prefect giggled. “I just love to be naked… don’t you?” Chantel hadn’t spent a lot of time looking at Barbie’s face since the strip tease began, but whenever she had the older girl’s expression had made her feel like she was being manipulated. The blonde had been wearing this condescending smirk that made the dark skinned girl feel like she was being taunted; or something. The expression had changed. The younger girl now saw something completely different in her host’s eyes. She didn’t have a word for it but she thought she knew what it meant. ‘She really wants to see me naked’ Chantel concluded; the word she didn’t have was lust. As if to confirm the thirteen year old’s suspicion Barbie said:
“Why don’t you try it?” The nervous little girl felt something snap down inside her panties. The first time she’d shown off her body was only hours ago, and the thrill she got from it was fresh in her mind. A wave of something else came over her. ‘I wonder if I could make her beg?’ the black teen thought. ‘She’s been teasing me… wouldn’t it be only fair to turn the tables?’
“Uh, I don’t know I think maybe I should go to my own room now.” The look of disappointment on the senior’s face was worth the price of admission.
“No, no don’t go yet!” the naked girl on the bed pleaded. Chantel thought she detected just a bit of panic in her host’s voice. She wasn’t far from correct. For the prefect, showing off her body and in particular spreading her legs for the neophyte was generating a very pleasant hum in her girlhood that she didn’t want to end. ‘Getting her naked would be icing on the cake, but I’m not allowed to do anything with her so maybe it’s better if she doesn’t strip… but I’ve never seen a black pussy and I really want to…” the conflicted thoughts running through Barbie’s head were displayed on her beautiful face. “You don’t have to take everything off if you don’t want to” the senior revised her suggestion “but wouldn’t you be more comfortable if you got out of your skirt and blouse?” Chantel felt the power surge again and interpreted the lewdly exposed young woman’s observation as a victory.
“Well I guess if I’m gonna stay it’s not right for me to keep all my clothes on” The freshman agreed as she began unbuttoning her blouse. The older girl found herself holding her breath as the white shirt finally parted and her guest shrugged it off her milk chocolate colored shoulders. Chantel was proud of the expensive bra with its delicate lace trim. She was pleased that her guide seemed to like it too. The older girl’s eyes fixed on the cotton covering the brown cupcakes and thought ‘she’s gonna need a bigger one soon’ noting how the ‘A’ cup was filled to capacity. The younger girl continued with her skirt and in less than a minute she was standing beside the desk in her underwear, ten feet from the nude blonde on the bed. The contrast and the novelty of the white lingerie against the dark skin were generating delightful little pulses between the blonde’s legs. She had never thought much about women of color before but now she was intrigued to the point of obsession.
“Come sit on the bed with me” she invited patting the space in front of her. Chantel complied willingly. The pressure and heat from down below were becoming quite distracting. Having only half the bed to work with the dark skinned girl had really no choice but to mimic the cross legged sitting position of her host. She was immediately aware of how this stretched the crotch gusset of her panties against her very hot pussy. Barbie’s eyes widened and the scantily clad youngster knew what they were focused on. She had to glance down just to confirm what she already knew. The thin cotton was embossed with her girlhood. Every detail was revealed. The lascivious exposure sent an electric current through her whole body. To make the situation even more arousing the pressure of the underpants against her plump mons made her want to wiggle her hips. It wasn’t as much pressure as she usually got from mister Muggs but combined with the sight of the incredibly pink and wide open crease she was looking at between her companion’s thighs the stimulation seemed roughly equivalent.
Chantel felt her nipples stiffen and knew that they would now be showing through her bra. The two students sat facing each other appreciating the view for almost a full minute before Barbie broke the silence. “It looks like your nips are just as perky as mine” the blonde observed and began squeezing her taught pegs between her thumb and forefinger. “Doesn’t it feel great when you squeeze them” she moaned. Simultaneously both pussies threw a little spasm. Barbie’s was quite a bit more powerful driven by her nipple stimulation. Chantel found her mouth inexplicably watering watching the deep pink pegs turn nearly red under the pressure from the older girl’s fingers. Without thinking her hand came up and cupped her chocolate mounds through the white cotton. She let her thumbs tease the tender buds that were dimpling the fabric outward and recalled the scene in the shower a couple of hours and a lifetime ago. Her eyes drifted down to the hot pink crease where she was amazed to see a thread of clear thick fluid dangling and inching its way toward the bedspread.
‘I know I get really wet down there when I hump my teddy but I don’t think it would actually pour out of me’ she wondered. Her classmate was rocking up almost onto her knees, and in a pitiful pleading tone whispered “let me see them.” The blonde’s hands were on the lace shoulder straps of the black girl’s bra, pulling
them down. When they cleared the points of the younger girl’s shoulders Barbie continued tugging but since Chantel was still cupping her own breasts the cups couldn’t come off. “Pleeese” the older girl begged. Her dark skinned guest lowered her hands permitting the very fair skinned young woman to flip the cups inside out below the pert little mounds. Barbie groaned as the plump areolas the color of semi-sweet chocolate came into view. The center button stood out over a quarter of an inch and was so engorged that it was nearly black. The freshman was feeling that power surge again when the intensely erotic atmosphere was disturbed by an electronic sounding gong.
The teenager with the rapidly dampening white panties pasted to her vulva looked at her host for an explanation. Five seconds after the first chime there was a second. “Nooooo!” Barbie wailed and her shriek was punctuated by a third tone. The older girl glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand; it read five minutes to ten. Chantel thought she had not seen anything as sad as the look on her playmate’s face in a long time. “You gotta go” the blonde said with resignation; the gong sounded again. “That’s five minutes to lights out.” The freshman scooped her bra back into place and dismounted the bed quickly grabbing her discarded clothes in time to hear the fifth and final signal. Much of the excitement in her host’s eyes had been replaced with a sort of anxious disappointed look. The blonde’s sparkling blue eyes met the deep brown of the black girl’s and for just an instant they smiled at each other before the younger teen exited the room and scampered up the stairs to her third floor quarters.
Breathless more from excitement than exertion Chantel stood with her back against the closed door. The uniform flew toward the desk; the bra and panties went in the general direction of the hamper. In twenty seconds the brown thighs were clamped mightily around the pillow and pumping like an old steam engine trying to get up a mountain. It felt good but it wasn’t enough. She humped and humped until exhaustion not relief finally stopped her. Consciousness slipped away and she stayed like that the rest of the night.