This story takes place in Munich Germany, at an
establishment called the Pink Pussy~. This location; a
“very private” club that caters to a special clientele.
Socially and sexually sophisticated jet-setters visit
this private club whenever they might be in town. There
are other places like the Pink Pussy~ around the world,
but none quite as entertaining as this particular one. Gretchen is a Private Dancer. She’s had many
experiences in her young life, but the one she
describes here, is one of her favorites.
Gretchen was
born in Eastern Germany in a small hamlet called
Hetzobaden, and grew up in the authoritarian society
there. So when the Berlin wall fell, she was one of
the first people to leave. She gravitated to Berlin,
and became an exotic dancer because of her outstanding
looks. Soon she found that she had more money than
she’d ever thought possible. She was a ‘very’ talented
dancer, and in great demand. After a year or so of dancing in clubs around
Berlin, Gretchen got the opportunity to make really
big money in one of the private sex clubs in Munich.
And today she is a private dancer at the best one. Her
act is fascinating to watch. . . I think I’ll let her
tell the story now. -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- I met Kristen and Kathy last year at the Pink
Pussy~ sex club. I had been working there for almost 6
months at the time, and I remember seeing them walk
into the bar area and sit down to have a drink or
conversation. It was unusual to see women on their own
at a place like the Pink Pussy~. It usually meant they
were gay. But this couple didn’t look that way to me,
and believe me I can usually tell. I was in the middle of my act on stage when they
came in and I couldn’t see them that well, but the
thing that struck me was that they seemed too young to
be there, and the one with almost white blonde hair had
a magnetism for me, I just couldn’t take my eyes off
her, well not until Kurt jammed his big weenie into my
mouth that is. At that point I lost track of the two girls. I
had only been on stage for about 20 minutes and we were
about to start the really wilds stuff. The act was very
popular with the customers, and I had a lot to do. I
had to concentrate because it’s not easy taking some-
thing that big all the way to the hilt. Kurt began to
thrust his big dick into my mouth, and I went into my
act – I let him push me back onto the floor of the
stage, and he began to penetrate my mouth as deeply as
he would any other woman’s vagina. Believe me when I say it, taking a man’s erect
penis all the way to the hilt, into ones’ throat,
takes a certain talent. Most women can not do this, no
matter how hard they try. The gag reflex is a very hard
thing to circumvent. But this was part of our act. So Kurt was pumping himself in and out of my
throat, and I was massaging his big heavy balls. The
act required us to look as though we were people from
the audience who went up on stage to have sex in front
of the crowd. Many of the audience would follow us as
the evening wore on. But we were some of the first to
do it. I always like exhibiting myself to a crowd. I am
proud of my body, and work hard to keep it just right.
(I have enclosed my picture with this story. It’s the
one that Kristen and Kathy saw displayed inside the
private lobby, that is behind the regular night-club.
They show all of our pictures so the people won’t be
upset if they notice that we are not really just one of
the crowd. You’ll like my picture, it’s my favorite
one.) As Kurt started to get excited, and I can always
tell when that happens, he began to pump my throat
harder, then as planned, at the last moment he pulled
out and sprayed me with a healthy load of his sperm. My
thing is to try and catch it in my mouth as he kneels
at my side and jerks his wanger wildly about. It’s
always very messy, and the audience loves it, they were
already on their feet cheering us on. Kurt’s such a good boy, I really can’t imagine
too many men who would be able to come two or three
times a night in front of a crowd of people. I think
if I were a man, I’d get so blas� about sex, that I’d
have a hard time ejaculating. Well maybe not, because
I do get to orgasm many times on stage, and I’ve been
doing this for a while. As Kurt finished his masturbation show, and
lowered his beautiful firm body onto mine, rubbing his
sperm between our bodies, I was able to look out into
the audience again. Of course I was pretending to be
totally over-come with passion, as Kurt lowered his
big penis down between my legs. As he held his still
hard shaft at my pussy-lips – I rolled my eyes and
grunted as he thrust into me, falling heavily on top
of me. While he was thrusting into me, I was able to
look at the audience, and could see the two girls
again. They had moved to a table toward the front. (The
management always gives the attractive women ring-side
tables, go figure.) And the young blonde was watching
us intently. Her friend looked like she was much more
experienced, and wasn’t watching as closely, she looked
like she was sizing up the men in the room. Kurt finally went into his orgasm act, and I
with him. He started to pound into me, and I wrapped
my legs around his bottom and started to meet his
thrusts. I was really starting to enjoy his cock
thrusts; he could be a real machine after his first
orgasm of the night. He started to grunt loudly,
pretending to come in me, and I knew he was going to
call it quits before I got myself off, so I grabbed
him and rolled on top. There was no way he was going
to leave me in one of those needy places I thought.
I started to ride Kurt as if he were one of
those mechanical bulls you see in some of those fake
western night clubs. I was really enjoying myself now.
As I rode Kurt’s cock I looked down at the girl and
could see she was right there with me. She was holding
her breath, and you could tell that nothing else was
penetrating her consciousness, it was as if I was
performing for her alone. She looked so sexy, looking up at me with that
innocent lust in her eyes, I felt myself getting so
excited that an orgasm began to rise up within my body,
almost without my knowing it. As I came on Kurt’s big
dick, as my body shook in it’s mindless orgasmic state,
I looked into the young girl’s eyes, and we connected.
She was there with me, it was wonderful. Of course Kurt being the consummate professional
came right along with me, and our show reached a sexual
height that most couples just dream about. We finally
collapsed into a sweating, sticky heap, breathing like
a couple of blacksmith bellows. Finally I stood up and
so did Kurt, and we gave our signature smiles to every-
one as we pranced off the stage to the side exit. “Well, that was wonderful, Kurt, thank you. You
always surprise me with your technique, just when I
think I’ll have to pretend, you get me horny.” Kurt smiled, and in his Bavarian accent said,
“Gretchen, you’re just too hot to pretend, that’s why
I like to perform with you. You’re always my first
choice. . . Well off to the showers, we’ve got two
hours before we’re on again.” And with that he walked
naked down the hall with his magnificent wanger swaying
in front of him. -=*=- You might think with all the sex we get that
we’d become blas� about it, but you’d be wrong. Sure,
as far as being naked around people, you get used to
that, but having sex in front of people is always a
turn-on. Suddenly remembering my little blonde, I
hurried to my dressing room and took a quick shower.
The time between shows was our own. We could kick back
and relax, or we can go out into the crowd, and maybe
do a little private dancing. Private dancing is where the huge money was. A
talented girl, or guy for that matter, can make a lot
in one night. I once got a 10 grand fee for only about
20 minutes work, but that’s unusual, though I keep my
eyes peeled for those rich Arabs now. But really, my normal take every night is around
2 to 3 thousand, not counting the money I get from the
club. That’s taxable, the rest isn’t. At any rate it
will serve to tell you my state of mind when I tell you
that I wasn’t thinking about private dancing at that
moment. I was thinking about that little blonde out in
the audience. As I finished my shower and douche, I looked
around for something appropriate to wear. I picked out
a French T, which is nothing more that a silk dress,
that could have been the normal girls T-shirt. But as
I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but
think that most women would be scared stiff to wear
something as revealing as this in public. It showed
every curve, and plain of my body. I think it even
the little goose bumps around my areolae through
the material. After admiring my body for a moment
longer, I bounced enthusiastically out the door and
into the main room, to see my new potential playmates. I wasn’t sure if they had stayed, but was hope-
ful. I kept remembering that look in the younger girl’s
eyes. And yes! There they were. I could see them talk-
ing and giggling about something. For just a second, I
wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t know if they would
welcome my intrusion, but I really wanted to meet them,
especially the blonde girl, she intrigued me so. I
bucked up my courage, and walked over to their table,
ignoring all the usual offers from the customers. “Hello, my name is Gretchen, can I sit with you
for a moment?” They both looked up at me. The older one
just smiled, but the younger girl looked startled, and
it appeared to me that she shivered in fear. . . but
maybe it was my imagination. “Why of course, we loved your show. . . we were
just talking about you.” the older girl said. She was
an American, I thought they might be. For some reason
Americans stick out in Europe, I guess Europeans pro-
bably do the same there. The older girl continued, “My
name is Kathy, and this is Kristen. I can’t tell you
how sexy you looked up there.” “Thank you, coming from such a good looking
member of our gender, I consider that an important
complement. Have you been here before?” “No, we’re in Germany for the International
figure skating competitions in Nuremberg, and had a
few days on our own, and well, I’ve heard of this
place, and just had to visit while we had the chance.”
Kathy rushed her words together in excitement. “And you, what do you think of the night?” I
looked closely at the other girl, and was still as
intrigued as the first time I had seen her. She looked
so innocent, but I could tell there was some kind of
kindred spirit lurking behind those big blue eyes. I
continued to sit there looking at her, as the silence
stretched out between us, then finally, she started,
as if she’d been shocked by electricity, and her
beautiful young face began to flush a very inviting
pink. “I. . . I . . .I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to
stare at you, it’s just that I. . . I don’t really
know what you said. I was so caught up in you, that
I wasn’t hearing anything. I’m really very sorry,
please forgive me. . .” “My lovely little friend, I forgive you anything
please do not be sorry, I have also enjoyed looking at
you. I smiled at her, hoping that things would go as I
had planned them. But I hadn’t known that they were
American’s before, I would have if I’d given it any
consideration, and we all know how prudish American’s
are, But I felt I still might make a new friend if I
put a little effort into it. By now there was another couple on the stage.
These were amateurs, but I had to admit they looked
pretty good undressed. “Kristen, you didn’t answer me,
are you enjoying yourself this evening?” “Oh yes, I didn’t think I would, but Kathy
talked me into coming, and I can’t begin to tell you
what a sexy thing this place is.” She said this with
such enthusiasm, it charmed me to the heart. “What did you think of Kurt and I on stage?” “I have never been as turned-on in my life. I
never thought that sex could be so, so, sexy before.
You almost made me want to join in.” Kristen giggled
nervously as she said the last sentence. That was my
cue – what a lovely girl to offer me such a chance.
“Kristen, Kathy, would you like to perform for
the audience?” I looked at both girls, and I thought
that they truly would make excellent performers. I
think that maybe it was their ice skating that made
their bodies so shapely, I could tell that they would
look good, but would they do it? Kristen said, “Oh no, I could never do that,
honest, I’d die of embarrassment. You do it Kathy, you
would be wonderful.” “Kristen is a virgin, that’s why she’s being so
shy. But I have to agree, I wasn’t thinking about
performing or anything like that, I just wanted to see
some hot sex stuff.” Kathy looked a little nervous,
but I noticed a glint in her eyes. “A pretty girl like you? still a virgin? It’s
hard for me to believe this, how old are you Kristen?” “I was 18 last February, and I guess I’m weird,
but between school and trying to be a professional
skater I haven’t had a lot of time for dating, and boys
and things. . . and I don’t need to be ridiculed about
it.” Kristen shot a withering glance at her friend. “I didn’t mean to do that Kristen, honest I
didn’t. I just thought there was some kind of connec-
tion between us, and thought you would like to perform.
It could be just you and me. . . and Kathy too, if she
would. . .? You know you won’t be here that long, and
this might be your only chance to do it. Many women do
it here, just once, it is an unusual chance to let
oneself go, just once in a life time. You might find
that it is as wonderful, as it looked. And I don’t
just ask anyone you know.” “I don’t want to get pregnant or take the chance
of having it happen. I admit that the whole thing ex-
cites me, but there are diseases and the pregnancy
thing, it’s just out of the question.” Kristen said
this with the cutest firmness in her voice, it made me
smile. “Sweety, I wouldn’t let anything happen to
you. Just so you know, the professionals who perform
here make as much as $600,000 a year, and wouldn’t
want to get pregnant, or contract some kind of disease.
Kurt has had a vasectomy, and couldn’t make his own
mother pregnant. But I was thinking about just us
girls. Come on Kristen, give it some thought. I can
see us up there I know the crowd would go wild to see
you.” I noticed that Kathy seemed to be thinking about
what I had just said. I remembered my first time. I wasn’t a virgin
or anything, but it was a great thrill. To get up in
front of 50 people and have sex with someone makes the
heart pound like nothing else. I still remember that
first time, I just let it happen to me. I just re-
sponded to his touch, and let him do anything he wanted
to me. I think I had more orgasms that night than I
ever had before or since. It was like every nerve
ending in my body was on fire. I said, “Kristen, you
will never have better sex than with me, I guarantee
it to you. You don’t have to do anything – let me take
you through it. And Kathy, I know you would love it,
please what do you say. Our show will be starting
within the hour, and I’d just love to include you two.” Kathy had a glazed look in her eyes, but said,
“Sure why not? I think I really wanted to do it all the
time, come on Kristen lets do it, it’ll be fun, and you
don’t have to do anything you don’t want to up there.
I’ve seen you in the shower at practice, and I can tell
you that you have nothing to be embarrassed about. This
is a once in a life time experience, and if we don’t do
it, we’ll always wonder what it would have been like.” “Kathy! I can’t believe you said that! Kristen
said with shock in her voice. I could tell that Kristen usually went along
with her friend if pressure was applied, and I really
wanted to have sex with this girl. So I pushed just a
little more, “Kristen, this will be a fling for you In
a few days you’ll be going home to America, where
there is nothing like this. It’s perfectly safe, with
professionals, and believe me when I say it will be a
memory that will stay with you for the rest of your
life.” “Well. . . I don’t know. . . I’ve never even
imagined doing anything like this before.” Kristen’s
resolve was breaking down, I could see it. I looked
at Kathy, nodding toward her friend in a silent appeal.
Kathy got the idea and piped up, “Come on Krissy, let’s
do it, I dare you to. I’ll do it if you do, come on.” “Well. . . I guess it would be something really
different, but I don’t have the faintest idea what to
do?” I jumped up with a slight thrill running through
my body, “Follow me ladies, I’ll take you back stage,
and we’ll go over the performance.” And with that I
took the girls by the hand, and we quickly left the
front room. I noticed some of the more experienced
customers eyeing the girls, leaning their heads
together to discuss the possibilities, knowing that
they had been talked into doing a performance.